- 365 Days of Happiness and Truth - Day 166:
Leading Beat
Happiness: The embrace of what comes natural.
Truth: God will not come into certain corners of our lives until we open those corners to Him. Certainly, God knows our hearts better than we know our hearts. But He will not work in those areas unless we say, "Come." That's part of the active relationship of God giving us perfect freedom to invite Him to come. It isn't just amounts of knowledge we're talking about. It is the life relationship, the interaction with God, that changes us. One of the most important things about prayer is that we are transformed through the experience. We draw close to the heart of God. We hear the heartbeat of God, the things that God is after, the rhythm of God. We learn how God works. For example, one of the things we pick up as we learn to pray is that satan pushes and condemns, but God draws and encourages. And through prayer, we come to learn the difference. We experience God drawing and encouraging us.
- Richard Foster