15 Nov
Focused Distractions - Week 17

I’m becoming increasingly more aware of the distractions that seek to interrupt our thoughts of God. Instead of giving the good Lord the praise He deserves, the communication He desires, and the requests He’s waiting to grant, we often tend to fill our mouths with the obstrocities or downfalls we’re witness to. We’re quick to voice our growing complaints and follow them up with harmful suggestions which keep our seperation in divide. While it saddens me to admit I fall victim to this lifestyle myself, I am praying to keep focused on the Wisdom that transforms all those negativities and walk a path illuminated by His grace.

Wisdom tells us, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) It grants us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22) Wisdom says, “I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living,” (Psalm 27:13) and that to have it is better than gold. (Proverbs 16:16) We are told that all the treasures of wisdom are found in Christ Himself (Colossians 2:3) and that we should seek Him continually, above all else.

As I continue to discover what seeking Jesus actually looks like, I can recognize the work of His Spirit flowing through me. I can see the growth of communication and an increase of His guidance being sought. In learning just how much I desire to live a life led by God while partaking in His miracle of life, I am also finding it difficult to stay interested in learning about what that means. I am finding it difficult to follow through with developing thoughts and I still haven’t quite figured out how to listen. Perhaps it’s the distractions that keep me from listening and the disinterest of learning that fuels my complaints, but that’s why I pray.

The distractions we face on a daily basis aren’t limited to the things we watch, the things we listen to, or the company we keep, but they also include a wide range of feelings. These feelings have the ability to lead us astray and can isolate the purpose of life. By letting these feelings take precedence over the beauty of God we run the risk of damaging the objective of unity. We make it possible to lose sight of who we are in Christ and bruise our hope for peace by reinforcing the segregation we all detest. With a slip of the tongue our complaints become our conviction and we’re hurting those who hurt us by doing the same. We become the charge we’re taking a stand against and lose all the loving energy we have ourselves. And loving takes energy! But perhaps that’s why I grow disinterested in learning.

Learning more of what love looks like, it becomes hard work putting you’re heart on the line when so many people seem to have their own at interest. It’s hard to love and sobering to continually find out what that means. It hurts to have an awareness of how things were intended or how they can be now because we seem to be so far from the paradise that’s promised. However, learning what love has done for us can make the work worthwhile. It can bring ease to the discomfort of freeing our heart and allow our awareness to feed the globes hunger. We can take delight in the standing of our world because of the Love that lives amongst us. Because of the Love that lives in each one of us. (Colossians 3:11)

We have the potential for greatness with God because He was first with us. We’re changing the world one day at a time and influencing our surroundings by the immediacy of our actions. We are involved in the progression of our humanity and when we begin to see just how big an influence our little part plays, I pray we soften our hearts to the hardness of reality. I pray we have a desire to let the Spirit lead and the courage to follow. I pray we separate the distractions from our reason by letting the truth run wild in our life.

That’s what I’m asking the Lord to do with me. Run wild in my life! Lead me to things unknown and miracles unseen. I want to play all the days of my life on the grounds of His Kingdom and I want to be excited about the things He lay before me, however mundane. God may you make a fire out of me! May you take this life and fuel Your purpose. Give breath because I’m winded, give enthusiasm because I’m bothered, give notice because I’m distracted. Christ give me more of you!

Going into this next week I’m really praying for an undeniable encounter. I’m asking that the frenzy not get louder than His voice and that I be sensitive to His involvement. May the good Lord turn up the volume of His quiet whisper and take me to a place of amazement. May He thwart all interruptions that try to hinder His plan and help me to be grateful for the simple. Putting these requests at the feet of Jesus, I am also praying for you.

Thankful for the exposure our Creator has already given, I pray that He continue to familiarize Himself with you. I pray that He bring to light the ways He intricately works and that your distractions fall by the waste side. I pray that God bring awareness to the truth of love in your life and that He use you to show the same to others. I pray that you never grow tired of learning but that the desire to seek is a steady constant and that you persevere in Spirit. Blessed be the children of God. Blessed be His child. Blessed be the one He knows by name. Bless the Lord oh my soul. Blessed be you!

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