15 Nov
Holding Pieces - Week 26

Last week I wrote about the laziness and lack of personal devotion I felt in engagement with the Lord. I am happy to write now, that while my devotion to prayer is still not where I want it to be, Christ has increased our time together, allowing me to feel more of His presence in the limited meetings we’ve had. God has orchestrated gatherings to reveal more of His wisdom and answered prayers that were spoken only days ago. This week there was a small increase of focus on His Kingdom and an encounter with the Holy Spirit that, though quick, gave me a peaceful conviction. God has (as usual) been unbelievably kind to me and it’s with gratitude that I write this entry.

Just in my life alone, the Lord has been extremely busy these past seven days. On Monday a friend and I discussed getting together for a Bible study that we weren’t too thrilled about attending and we both decided not to go. However, less than an hour later I was called back and asked if I still held any interest in going because the reasons my friend gave for not wanting to, had all been rescheduled. With some reluctance I agreed, but after it was over I was glad to have went. It’s a good thing the Lord seemed to have other plans for our excuses because I learned something new that night. I was given encouragement and saw people who experienced unspeakable tragedies rejoice in Jesus, giving praise for His control. The whole way this night happened was strangely beautiful and I could recognize the artistry of God behind it all. Praise be to Him!

Tuesday, my boss and I were at a local store. The lady at the cash register was very friendly and we had a rather pleasant (somewhat lengthy) interaction. When we left, my boss asked me why people were so interested in talking with me. It was the second time over a five-day period that he watched someone strike up a conversation with me out of the blue and do so as if we had been friends for years. I answered my boss in a way that jokingly alluded to me not understanding it either and the disinterest I had in the conversations he was witness to. That night, as I was driving home and talking with the Lord about other things, His Spirit brought to mind the answer I had given my boss. Jesus impressed upon my heart and told me that I needed to revisit that answer because I did care about the conversations I was having. I did care about these strangers and my boss needed to know that what I said was untrue. Thankfully God allowed for that conversation to come up again on Wednesday and I was relieved when I got to tell my boss that I shouldn’t have said what I did, explaining that we’re all just trying to enjoy this crazy life with some fun, so why not engage?

Thursday, while at work, I got a call from my sister that was refreshing and excited. We talked briefly about the Lord and His majesty, the ways we related in disappointment, and the idea that we sometimes feel His harvest isn’t enough (even though it always is). At the end of our quick call my sister told me that she was so glad she had dialed my number and I was just as glad, if not more. Jesus has a timing that is just perfect and asking Him last week to help me was a help all in itself.

Friday, I ended my workweek on a high note. Everyone was in a cheerful mood as the stresses of concern seemed to melt away and I got to share a little bit about my church life with the team. Everyone, including the new girl who started on Monday, now knows about my love for Jesus and the trust I have in His authority. I see the glimmer of interest in my faith and I look forward to sharing more of it in the coming months.

While Friday came to a close the weekend began and ended quickly but one thing happened today that I’m extremely thankful for. Driving home from my mothers’ house I was talking to God about a variety of things when I took some time to pray for my bosses’ family. Not even 10 minutes later did my boss text me to share about the improvement of health in his family and the hopeful outlook of circumstances! What a blessing I was given in that moment. What a reassuring way to remind me that God is with us. The ways that Jesus communicates, reveals Himself, comforts, and teaches us, is sometimes (often) unbelievable. However, I believe because I look for Him and when I’m looking, He’s always there. He’s in everything and has created everything for His good pleasure but the world (just as often) gets in the way.

To that I have to say we have the ability to choose what we focus on. We have the ability to direct our thoughts to the Father of created life and while it may seem difficult (believe me, I know it can be), it is always a choice. So Lord, help me to choose You. Continue to equip me with Your strength so I can willfully focus on Your Truth. Reveal to me Your guidance and open my eyes to recognize you in my every surrounding. God you have been faithfully wonderful to me and I give praise for Your closeness. Come closer to me oh Lord! Give me wisdom and insight to Your Kingdom, using me as a vessel to further Your plans of revival. I pray for those who might be looking God, for those who aren’t looking at all, that You would soften hard hearts and bring to light the glory of Salvation in Your son Jesus Christ. It’s in these things I pray dear Friend. In Your name I live. Amen!

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