15 Nov
Seeking Supplied - Week 18

Last week I wrote about some things I was praying for. It was more of a written prayer than anything else. I was asking Jesus to give me an undeniable experience and make me sensitive to His involvement in our lives. I asked Him to make me thankful for the simple and gift me with excitement  Over the past 7 days I got to drive across America, visiting 14 beautiful states. I saw remarkable landscapes full of color, went to places I had never been before, and met people who fulfilled the asking of my prayers. Taking in the majesty of it all, I can’t help but end this trip (and every evening) with a Hallelujah! Praise the good Lord for He is allowing me to grow in Him as He grows in me.

I spent a lot of time in prayer this week but I wouldn’t say it was for anything really specific. I didn’t dedicate any certain times to pray or write one letter this week, but I do think there was a steady stream of conversation. I talked to God about the majority of my thoughts, trying to give Him anything that came to mind. My prayers centered around adoring God for the love that He is along with the many things He was allowing me to see. I got to rest in the goodness of the King and be witness to the unbelievable gifts He has given us in design. There was no doubt that Jesus was on this trip with me and all the while He was answering prayers. Last week I asked God to set me on fire and this week He did just that.

Driving through the desert, somewhere in New Mexico, I saw a road sign that shared a name with someone I know. I had seen these signs along the trip at least a dozen times, thinking nothing of it. However, when I saw it this time, I felt weird. I had this feeling that seemed like curiosity, a feeling like wonder. It was a feeling that made me hear… pray! As I started to pray for this person, the Holy Spirit ran wild in me. He made me pick up my phone, text this person, and gave me the words to say. I didn’t think about what I was typing out, it all moved so fast. Energy swelled inside of my body and before I knew it my fingers had hit send on a prayer that must have been said by the Lord Himself. It was quite the rush. An overwhelming sensation, almost like a roller-coaster or jumping out of an airplane. An indescribable, fantastic feeling! A feeling of fire but a quick feeling.

If that’s not enough to praise about this week, God also gave me requested excitement about the mundane. While there was a lot of pleasure in the places I went and the things I did, the devil tried his best to get in the way. I was blessed in being aware of the intricate involvement our Creator has in this life, but I also saw how clear the force is trying to stop it. There were moments the country drive got quite flat (pun intended) and the company became a little tense. Though some unfortunate strain fell on the car ride west, Jesus gave me the ability to play regardless. He allowed me to see the redundant lands as unique pieces of art, provided me with joy, and allowed me to have some fun. He helped me keep a positive attitude and maintain my enjoyment. For this I praise His name!

Last but not least, I asked God to lead me to an encounter that was undeniable. I met many people along this journey, drove through many towns, that reaffirmed the truth that Christ is living amongst us (in us), but perhaps there was a moment that was undeniable. The last full day of our trip we were stopping at different lookout points along the Grand Canyon South Rim to catch the sunset. Trying to find the right moment to pull over, we were thwarted a couple times for various reasons of crowding or detour. Continuing along, we were led to a nook just off the main road, right before the last stop, where no one seemed to be. No one but one. I didn’t catch her name, or if I did I don’t remember, but we found this woman enjoying the last bit of light, by herself, in the snow. We exchanged pleasantries and after some polite chit chat this woman said, “you see something like this then wonder how people don’t believe in God.” And that’s undeniable!

The fact that this stranger, this lady that had met me no more than 15 minutes before, mentioned the Father and His glory is an answered prayer of confirmation that He is true, He is with us, and He is undeniable. Constantly finding out who our Lord is has been an amazing journey this far. As I start to really develop this relationship I have with Jesus, I see just how much He pleases me with His loving nature. He is an amazing comforter who lavishes us with love and blessings. He is an affectionate, giving God, which makes me want to give Him the same. It encourages me to answer His calls and try to give Him more of the intricate involvement He gives us.

Though I’ve noticed spending more time in prayer makes Jesus’ name more prominent in my life, or words of blessings flow freely, I’ve also noticed how it reveals areas of my character that are faulty. Things that are sinful both in flesh and in spirit. Things that may hinder the Gospel. As I pray to be refined in these things I’m thankful for the fruit of a relationship with Christ. I’m thankful that I can see the affect of prayer and the power so freely given. Lord, may we continue to be in one another, may I seek to know more prayer, and may you keep me in Your good graces. Amen!

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